Alexandria-Caen Sister City Committee
To promote educational and cultural exchange between Caen, France and Alexandria, VA.
About Us
Alexandria, Virginia and Caen, France have participated in shared cultural and educational exchanges since 1991 under the auspices of the Sister Cities International non-profit organization. Today, the two cities nurture a bond of shared cultural engagement through activities including: Annual student exchanges Intern Exchange Annual D-day commemorative event Lecture Series Sending Alexandria delegations to Caen & hosting Caen delegations in Alexandria Special Events We welcome French enthusiasts and those interested to know more about our programs to join the “Friends of Alexandria-Caen Sister Cities” by signing up to be on our email distribution list. Comments and suggestions for activities and/or fundraising events may be sent via email at Please include your email address in the message.
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in the Friends of the Alexandria-Caen Sister City Committee.
If you have questions, would like to learn more about the committee and/or would like to get involved please email us at: